Services & Pricing


We refuse to compete for the lowest price. Instead, we are extremely competitive for the highest quality found nationwide. We could easily undercut the cheapest taxidermists in town just to “buy business” but then we would have such a terrible and rushed backlog of work that we couldn’t possibly return our clients trophies with a clear conscience. It is very important to us that we have done our best.

A Mounts Unlimited Taxidermy our reputation has been built on quality, reliability, and product design. We produce pieces of art which consistently exceed our customer’s expectations.

Our price is based upon time and materials. We take ample time with each mount to ensure that our work will maintain its integrity and longevity. We only use materials of the highest quality available.

Wilderness Unlimited



Active Wilderness Unlimited members will receive a 10% discount on all mounts and must present your membership card to be eligible.

Nicholas hogRebecca Trenkins 14 0909 Washington mulie 8x4







Mounts Unlimited also offer ways to build credit on your account that can be used at any time on any mount. We will give you dollars in the form of credit in the following ways.

Big Game:

Cut the cape long from behind the rib cage as if for a half-size mount verses right behind the shoulder. This will help ensure the cape be long enough for use. The head can be skinned out OR leave the hide on the head and we will skin it out.

Capes: $100.00 – Deer small (Whitetail, Mule, Blacktail, Couse, etc…)

Capes: $200.00 – Deer large (Elk, Caribou, Mouse)

Life-size: (entire hide – nose to tail)

Deer small: $150.00

Deer large: $250.00

Hides must be use-able in excellent condition. Mounts Unlimited has the final word on whether the hide is usable and has the right to refuse to purchase any hide.

Proper documentation such as animal harvest tag (if required by law) must be provided to authenticate the legality of harvest and possession. Please be advised I operate within the law and if placed in the position of knowledge of an illegal act, I am obligated to report it. Support the sport by hunting legally.

Turn in poachers and polluters. 1-888 DFG-CALTIP (888- 334-2258)




It is our commitment to our clients to complete all taxidermy work within a twelve month time frame. If a client chooses to expedite his/her mounted specimen(s) an expedite fee can be paid in advance to reduce the turnaround time as follows.


(12 month) Guaranteed Completion

(6 month) Guaranteed Completion


(90 day) Guaranteed Completion


(45 day) Guaranteed Completion


North American Shoulder Wall Pedestal Floor Pedestal Life Size Half Size
Alligator $550 plf
Antelope / Pronghorn $936 $1040 $1,500 $5,100
Badger $900 $1,400
Beaver $1,350
Bear (Black) $936 $1,040 $1,500 $4,600 $1,850
Bear (Grizzly) $1,000 $1,100 $1,600 $5,100 $2,600
Bear (Brown) $1,000 $1,100 $1,600 $5,600 $3,100
Bison $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $13,500*
Bobcat $900 $1,400 $1,500
Caribou $1,650 $2,500 $5,600
Cattle / Steer $2,100 $18,000
Coyote $800 $1,400
Deer (All north American species) $936 $1,040 $1,900 $4,800
Elk $1,640 $2,650 $6,100
Elk Bugling $1,840 $2,850 $6,300
Fox $850 $1,200
Goat / Ram (domestic) $936 $4,500
Hog $1,280 $1,485 $2,275 $4,500 $2,500
Horse $3,500 $11,000
Javelina $936 $1,040 $1,845 $3,100
Lynx $900 $1,500
Moose $2,000 $3,200 $*
Mountain Goat $936 $1,100 $1,500 $4,500
Musk Ox $1,700 $3,950 $7,100
Opossum $1,300
Porcupine $1,500
Rabbit $700
Raccoon $900 $1,300
Sheep (Bighorn, Dall, Desert, Stone) $1,050 $* $5,600
Skunk $900 $1,100
Squirrel $700
Wolf $900 $3,000
Wolverine $900 $625 $975 $1,400

Safari / Exotics Pricing Shoulder Life Size
Aoudad $1,250 $5,500
Axis Deer $940 $4,800
Baboon $950 $2,150
Bongo $1,500 $6,000
Blackbuck $940 $4,800
Blesbok $940 $4,000
Bushbuck $940 $4,100
Bush Pig $1,150 $4,500
Cape Buffalo $2,200 $12,500
Civet, Serval Cat $900 $1,250
Crocodile $25 / inch
Dik Dik $900 $1,800
Duiker $900 $1,850
Eland Common $1,830 $13,000
Eland Lord Derby/td> $2,000 $11,000
Elephant $20,000* $125,000*
Fallow Deer $940 $4,800
Gazelle $940 $4,000
Gemsbok / Oryx $1,400 $6,100
Genet $900 $1,400
Gerenuk $1,100 $4,100
Giraffe $8,200 $27,000
Hartebeest $1,100 $6,100
Hippopotamus $6,300 $30,000*
Hyena $940 $2,700
Ibex $1,500 $4,500
Impala $950 $4,100
Jackal $900 $1,300
Klipspringer $900 $1,800
Kudu (Lesser / Greater) $1,750 $7,100
Lechwe $950 $4,200
Leopard $975 $3,700
Lion $1,500 $5,100
Nilgai $1,600 $7,100
Nyala $1,100 $4,100
Oribi $900 $2,200
Oryx $1,400 $6,000
Puku $950 $4,100
Reed Buck $950 $4,100
Rhinoceros * *
Red Stag $1,500 $6,200
Sable, Roan $1,500 $6,200
Sheep, Mouflon, Spanish, Barbarossa $940 $4,100
Sika Deer $940 $4,800
Sitatunga $1,500 $4,500
Spanish Goat $940 $4,100
Springbok $945 $4,100
Steinbok $900 $1,800
Suni $900 $1,800
Tahr $980 $4,635
Tiger $* $*
Waterbuck $1,300 $6,500
Warthog $1,100 $4,300
Wildebeest $1,350 $6,100
Zebra $1,475 $6,100

Skull European
North American Species” Horn / Antler Mount Cleaning / Whitening Plaque
Alligator  $15  / inch
Antelope / Pronghorn $250  $300  $350.00
Badger  -  $200  $250.00
Beaver  -  $200  $250.00
Bear (Black, Brown, Grizzly)  -  $300  $35000
Bobcat  -  $200  $250.00
Bison / Buffalo $400  $500  $550.00
Caribou $350  $400  $450.00
Cattle / Cow / Steer $350  $450  $450.00
Cattle (non-removable horns) $400  $500  $550.00
Coyote  -  $200  $250.00
Deer (Blacktail, Mule, Sitka, Whitetail) $250  $300  $350.00
Elk $350  $450  $450.00
Fox (Red, Grey)  -  $200  $150.00
Goat / Ram (domestic) $250  $350  $350.00
Hog  -  $300  $350.00
Horse  -  $400  $400.00
Javelina  -  $200  $250.00
Moose $450  $550  $600.00
Mountain Goat $250  $350  $350.00
Musk Ox $500  $550  $700.00
Opossum  -  $200  $250.00
Porcupine  -  $200  $250.00
Rabbit  -  $200  $150.00
Otter  -  $200  $150.00
Raccoon  -  $200  $150.00
Sheep (Bighorn, Dall, Desert, Stone) $350  $400  $450.00
Skunk  -  $200  $150.00
Squirrel  -  $200  $150.00
Wolf  -  $300  $250.00
Wolverine  -  $200  $250.00

Skull European
Safari & Exotics Horn / Antler Mount Cleaning / Whitening w/ 3 piece Pedestal
Aoudad $160
Axis Deer $100
Baboon  - $100
Bongo $195
Blackbuck $125
Blesbok $140
Bushbuck $125
Bush Pig  - $175
Cape Buffalo $210
Civet, Serval Cat  - $40
Crocodile  - $15   per inch
Dik Dik $65
Duiker $65
Eland $195
Elephant $695
Fallow Deer $100
Gazelle $125
Gemsbok / Oryx $175  -
Genet $40
Giraffe  - $400
Hartebeest $140
Hippopotamus  - $500
Hyena  - $150
Impala $125
Jackal  - $45
Kudu (Lesser) $195
Kudu (Greater) $195
Leopard  - $150
Lion  - $150
Nilgai $140
Nyala $125
Oribi $100
Oryx $175
Red Duiker $100
Red Hartebeest $125
Red Stag $195
Reedbuck $125
Sable, Roan $195
Sheep, Mouflon, Spanish, Barbarossa $160
Sika Deer $195
Spanish Goat
Springbok $125
Steinbok $65
Suni $65
Tiger  - $195
Turtle / Tortoise shell  - $40 – 450
Warthog  - $175
Wildebeest $140
Zebra  - $225

Badger $992
Bear, Black $28 Ln In
Bear, Grizzly $32 Ln In
Bobcat $992
Coyote $992
Fox $992
Mountain Goat $1500
Mountain Lion $1500
Raccoon $992
Wolf $1250
Wolverine $992

Antelope $300
Badger $300
Beaver $300
Bear, Black $10.00  Ln In
Bear, Grizzly $12.00 Ln In
Bobcat $300
Buffalo $25  Ln In.
Caribou $550
Buckskin $13  per sq. ft.
Coyote $300
Deer $300
Elk $550
Fox $300
Moose $800
Mountain Goat $13  Ln in
Raccoon $300
Sheep $300
Wolf $300
Wolverine $300
** Leather – Deer ** $9  per sq ft.
** Leather – Elk ** $16  per sq ft.


  • Labor rate – $ 100 / hour
  • Cleaning, alterations, and repairs – $100 per hour
  • Rebuild broomed sheep horns – $125 per horn
  • Repairing broken antlers $40 per inch
  • Tanning (hair on)


  • Shoulder
  • Half body mounts are 70% of life-size mount
  • Life-size
  • Rugs include open mouth, foam padding, and double felt border
  • Detachable Antlers additional $150 per side
  • Open-Mouth mounts are an additional $250


    (Individually quoted)

  • Simple Bases are included in prices
  • Pedestal (floor or wall mounts)
  • Pedestal with scene
  • Custom habitats are additional and will be quoted individually.

Any habitat imaginable, from rocks and trees to waterfalls, can be created to enhance the display of your trophy. We will match existing showroom themes or help you create new designs
We can work from photographs or on location.


Contact us for details and assistance.


Payments accepted and secured through PayPal® Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover.

3% service fee is added to credit card transactions.

No out-of-state checks accepted.

Contact Us!

Mounts Unlimited

22142 Miller Ridge Road
Los Gatos, CA 95033-9410


Make contact!

@KerwinSchetter on Twitter